Monday, 26 January 2015

Culture and Heritage

Lost in the Procession, 2014, Oil on canvas, 63 x 77 cm

Lost in the Procession was a response to a local chariot procession and drew inspiration from Selfie. I wanted to contrast the beautiful figure (the main subject of the painting) and the crowd depicted as lines, blurs and nothingness. Additionally her attention otherwise beautifully expressed is drawn away by her music she listens to (note her ear plugs).

While painting this, I did a quick study of the Sassoon Piece (see painting below) to link to the Hand study: Object of Desire paintings. My maternal grandfather Franc Stewart Gumley worked in several countries including India and China and carried it around with him throughout the world. This painting gave me the opportunity to explore form and shape in depth.

Object of Desire: Sassoon Piece, 2014, Oil on linen, 40 x 30 cm